Rebar Kelly Supports USLI’s Baskets for Breast Cancer Auction
October 16, 2019
PA Court Strikes Down Statutory Seven-Year Statue of Repose as Violative of State’s Constitution
November 4, 2019Rebar Kelly supports the Daily Bread Community Food Pantry

Rebar Kelly is collecting items for the Daily Bread Community Food Pantry in Collegeville, PA. Please drop off items in the firm lobby before November 12.
- Here is a list of the most needed items:
- Canned Fruit, Vegetables, Soups, Tomato Products
- Cereal
- Cookie, Cake or Brownie Mixes
- Baby Wipes/ Soap /Shampoo*
- Paper Towels & Toilet Paper*
- Shampoo & Conditioner, Deodorant*
- Laundry / Dish Soap*
And any other items you wish to donate would greatly be appreciated!