Rebar Kelly is pleased to support Cleaning for a reason
October 12, 2014Cathleen Kelly Rebar has been selected for the Alumni Spotlight
October 16, 2014Rebar Kelly is pleased to support K1DNEY and Salvatore DeAngelis in the Philadelphia Kidney Walk

Rebar Kelly is pleased to support K1DNEY and Salvatore DeAngelis in the Philadelphia Kidney Walk on Sunday October 12th. Salvatore lost one of his kidneys back in 2008 and has been doing very well. He decided it was time to give back to the kidney community by doing the Philadelphia Kidney Walk with members of my immediate family on Sunday, October 12th.
Kidney Walk is the nation’s largest walk to fight kidney disease. Held in nearly 100 communities, the event raises awareness and funds lifesaving programs that educate and support patients, their families and those at risk.
I walk because:
• 26 million American adults are living with kidney disease – and most don’t know it.
• 1 in 3 American adults is at high risk for developing kidney disease today. The risk increases to 1 in 2 over the course of a lifetime.
• Kidney disease kills over 90,000 Americans every year – more than breast and prostate cancer combined.
• Early detection and treatment can slow or prevent the progression of kidney disease.
• Of 118,000 Americans currently on the waiting list for a lifesaving organ transplant, more than 96,000 need a kidney. Fewer than 17,000 people receive one each year.
Please consider supporting me and the National Kidney Foundation as we work together to fight kidney disease. Way to go Sal! We are pleased to support you in this fight. For more information – Click here to donate to team K1DNEY.