Making Moves 4 MS
April 27, 2014
An Image of four gentleman who belong to a fraternity. The men all pose for a picture while wearing bright red heels. The heels represent their contribution to the Walk a Mile in Her Shoes®: The International Men's March. The march is a demonstration to end sexual assault towards women.
Walk a mile in her shoes
April 30, 2014
Making Moves 4 MS
April 27, 2014
An Image of four gentleman who belong to a fraternity. The men all pose for a picture while wearing bright red heels. The heels represent their contribution to the Walk a Mile in Her Shoes®: The International Men's March. The march is a demonstration to end sexual assault towards women.
Walk a mile in her shoes
April 30, 2014

Phillies’ Autism Awareness Night

Rebar Kelly salutes Benjamin Hoyt, nephew of Rebar Kelly attorney, Greg Delfiner. Ben was recently chosen to throw out the first pitch on Phillies’ Autism Awareness Night. Did you know Autism Spectrum Disorder affects over 2 million individuals in the U.S. and tens of millions worldwide? Rebar Kelly applauds Ben for his courage in dealing daily with his autism

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