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October 10, 2015
Pennsylvania Court Refuses to Recognize a Civil Cause of Action for Data Breach Claims
ATTORNEY: Experienced insurance coverage attorney wanted for Rebar Kelly’s Blue Bell, Pennsylvania, Office. The right candidate will have a minimum of three years insurance coverage experience, portables a plus, but are not required. Qualified candidates must submit a resume, writing sample and salary requirements to mbailey@rebarkelly.com to be considered. Put “PA Attorney” in the subject line.
PART-TIME OFFICE SERVICES ASSISTANT: Rebar Kelly is looking for a motivated person to assist in personable, but busy law office. The candidate should be tech savvy, organized and able to work under pressure. Hours preferred are daily from 10 to 4. Law office experience helpful. Send resume to mbailey@rebarkelly.com. Put “Office Services” in the subject line.